Michael Fabozzi

Michael Fabozzi

International Preparatory School Mathematics

Mike Fabozzi earned his BS in Mathematics Education (Grades 5-9 with a 7-12 extension) from SUNY Fredonia, and MS-ED in Educational Technology from Buffalo State.  Mr. Fabozzi is beginning his 13th year of teaching at International Preparatory School @ Grover Cleveland High School in Buffalo where he is teaching Algebra and Precalculus.  In the afterschool program, Mr. Fabozzi runs a robotics group, a beginners 3-d printing class, and co-directed the school’s first play.  Mr. Fabozzi also serves as a site supervisor for the Buffalo Schools Student Technology Leadership Program.  He will be presenting his findings of an action research project he conducted last school year at this year’s New York State Association for Computers and Technologies in Education (NYSCATE) conference.  Mr. Fabozzi collects Rubik’s cubes and other mathematical puzzles that he brings to his classroom to help teach students that patience, perseverance, and focus are the key to solving problems. As a NYS Master Teacher, Mr. Fabozzi is looking forward to connecting with other teachers from around the area and sharing best practice ideas within a STEM classroom.