Kelly Schurr
Starpoint High School STEMKelly Schurr earned a BS degree in Architecture from the University at Buffalo in 2005. She received her teaching certificate and MS degree in Technology Education from Buffalo State in 2006 and 2008 respectively. In 2013, she completed a PhD in Curriculum and Instruction from Virginia Tech where she also received the Outstanding Student in Integrative STEM Education Award in 2010. Kelly has been teaching at Starpoint Central School District for fourteen years. She is currently teaching courses on STEM: Earth Science, STEM: Biology, STEM: Chemistry, STEM: Physics, STEM: Geometry, and Transportation Systems. Her goal and focus has been on building an integrative STEM education program that challenges students to design solutions to everyday problems by applying their understanding of concepts from across disciplines. Thanks to collaborations with her talented colleagues, five courses have been implemented. At Starpoint she is also the co-advisor for Technology Club, a Content Area Specialist for her department, and participates on a variety of committees. Her honors include a Graduate Research Award from Epsilon Pi Tau and she was a member of the 2011-2012 cohort of the FTEE, ITEEA, and CTETE Twenty-First Century Leadership Academy. As a Master Teacher she enjoys learning from and collaborating with all of the exceptional educators in the program.