Harry O'Malley
Kenmore East High School Life ScienceHarry O’Malley earned his B.A. in Mathematics Education from Brooklyn College and his M.S. in Mathematics Education from Buffalo State. He began teaching in 2006 and is currently the Math Specialist for Casey Middle School in Williamsville where he teaches 6th and 8th grade math, designs and oversees the math remediation program, acts as School Treasurer, and serves as a member of the Child Support Team. Mr. O’Malley is co-director of The Gifted Math Program at The University at Buffalo, as well as a full-time instructor for the program. He is an adjunct professor for The University at Buffalo where he teaches graduate level math education courses. In his free time, Harry is a film producer, spending months at a time creating memorable videos for his school community. Harry is a passionate educator who loves the challenge of designing learning experiences that are beautiful and valuable to learners and society. A father of three, Harry loves learning each day how to better serve his students. He is looking forward to participating in the Make and Robotics Professional Learning Teams as a new member of The Master Teacher Program.