Dr. Wilson’s background includes more than a decade of teaching high school mathematics with another two decades of teaching mathematics and mathematics education courses at the undergraduate and graduate level. His research interests include problem-based teaching and learning and supporting teachers in reflecting on and refining their practice. His current research focuses on teacher learning within PLCs that utilize Formative Assessment Lessons (FALs: https://www.map.mathshell.org/lessons.php) and video case studies (https://tle.soe.umich.edu/MFA/) to support conversations around the Teaching for Robust Understanding (TRU: https://www.map.mathshell.org/trumath.php) framework for powerful learning. The NSF-funded collaborative research project is studying teacher learning within PLCs that meet monthly throughout the school year at MƒA in New York City, at DePaul University in Chicago and at SUNY Buffalo State. In addition, he is Director of the Rising Stars Math Camp, an Erie County sponsored summer learning experience for students in grades 4-6.