Christina Randazzo

Christina Randazzo

Windermere Boulevard Elementary Elementary

Christina Randazzo received a B.S. in Elementary Education from Daemen College and then went on to earn her Master’s Degree in Childhood Education from Buffalo State College. She has taught third and fourth grades in the Amherst Central School District for 22 years. Currently, she is enjoying an integrated co-teaching model at Windermere Boulevard Elementary. As a member of a district team that trains teachers on the Essential Elements of Instruction, she also mentors new teachers. Additionally, she serves on her school’s character education committee and district science committee. Ms. Randazzo has presented to colleagues on a variety of topics, ranging from differentiated instruction and best teaching practices, to using areas around the school for outdoor learning purposes. She has partnered with a university professor to offer after-school, investigative sessions in an effort to intrigue learners to pursue careers in branches of science. Ms. Randazzo enjoys hiking and creative crafting, in addition to keeping up with her two active children. She believes in constantly challenging herself and agrees with Gandhi’s advice, “Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.”