Alfred Wild
Maryvale Union Free High School TechnologyFred Wild earned his BS and Masters Degree in Technology Education from the State University of New York College at Buffalo. Mr. Wild has been teaching Technology Education and Computer Technology at Maryvale Union Free School District for 20 years. As a Project Lead the Way instructor, he has taught the Gateway to Technology Curriculum, Design and Modeling, Automation and Robotics and Flight and Space units. Excited by the nationwide STEM initiative, Mr. Wild has recently implemented a VEX IQ Robotics Program, cross curricular Engineering Design and Principles of Geometry Units and the power of 3D printing into his Technology Curriculum. In addition to his teaching responsibilities, he is a member of the New York State Technology Education Association. He has participated in the Albright-Knox “Art’scool” competition, volunteered as a ski club advisor, designed and constructed many school musical sets and acted as a camp counselor. Mr. Wild is an educator dedicated to fostering students’ love of STEM by creating real-world relevance within the context of his classroom. He is looking forward to working with progressive educators and expanding his professional repertoire with the NYS Master Teacher program.